This is NOT exactly how I would do things today...however I get asked a lot of times why I took the "old" tutorial off the web. it is again until I can make a better more up to date one.
List of Materials Needed:
Empty Altoid Tin
Stitched Piece to fit on top
Matting Board to mount stitched piece
Matting Board to fit in the inside bottom of Altoid Tin
Quilt Batting
Tacky Glue
Embellishments (braided cording/complimenting material/etc.)
Mat Knife
1. GLUE quilt batting to top matting board and inside matting board
5. Make "no sew" band; as shown in pictures:
6. Spread glue over bottom of tin and place material piece inside; you may embellish with a bit of cording around the edge - glued into place.
8. Embellish the outside of tin with braided cording around the stitched piece and then around the bottom. I also added a beaded "handle" for ease in opening the tin (this was done by gluing beads on a straight pin and sticking the pin (with glue) into the stitched piece.
Now you have a beautifully finished Altoid Tin that you can take on your travels with you so that all your stitching necessities (needles, scissors, marking pins, etc) all enclosed in a beautiful little tin!
Use my tutorials, copy my ideas, use my techniques, hints or tips? Please remember to give credit to my name: Vonna, The Twisted Stitcher ~ Thank you.