Monday, September 19, 2011


Things you'll need:
Fiber in complimenting color to your project
Stationary hook
Krenik Cording Drill

Step One:
Take the fiber you are working with and loosely wrap/lay it around the project where you want the cording to be eventually. This is one way to measure the circumference of the project. Keep your finger at the end of the length, then fold over (down the length of floss), fold over, fold over until you have a length of fiber that is 4 times the length from starting.

Example: the circumference length is 4 inches, you will need a length of floss to twist that is 4 times that length...or 16 inches.

Remember: when you twist cording the length will shorten, plus you are going to fold it over to twist so that will halve the length!

Step Two:
Cut the number of lengths of floss to size determined above that you want for the thickness of cording you want. I typically use anywhere from 3 strands to 8 strands. (3 strands will be thin cording whereas 8 strands will be very thick)

Again Remember: the strands will be doubled at the end because of folding and twisting! So a three strand twist will actually turn into a 6 strand twist.


Step Three:
Make a slip knot very close to the end and hook it onto your cording drill. Pull tight. Make a second slip knot on the other end of your lengths of floss and hook it to your stationary hook. Pull tight.





Step Four:
Stretch out across the room from your stationary hook and make sure the length of fiber is straight and firmly stretched out, but not tight or loose. Begin to twist your cording by turning the "drill". Twist until the fiber is tightly twisted and about ready to twist up on itself. Hold it firmly tight now, stop twisting, but don't let it twist up on itself.




Step Five:
Now here is where it can all go wrong....but with patience and practice it gets easier and easier....Slip the end of twisted fiber off of the drill hook (Pinch it off with your thumb and forefinger, do not try to pull it off by the slip knot or it will unravel!). Take the drill and slip the hook onto the floss. Walk it down to your stationary hook (holding the drill hook very firmly) so that you are actually halving the floss (BUT don't let the floss touch the other half of floss on the other side or it will twist and then you'll say some bad words!). 


Step Six:
When you reach your stationary hook, pinch off the fiber with your thumb and forefinger (now both ends of the fiber will be pinched in your thumb and forefinger. Drop <gently> the drill to the floor (with it still "connected" to the center of the fiber, then hold your arm up with the ends of the fibers pinched in your fingers and let the floss twist together until the drill stops revolving. Then immediately drop the drill to the floor to stop any unravelling.



Step Seven:
Holding your ends still firmly in your fingers, tie off your slip knot ends. Slip off the drill and hook that end (folded end) of twisted cording onto your stationary hook, place knoted end in your drill hook and twist again (NOTE: revolving the drill the opposite way you originally turned to make the cording). This step allows the cording to tighten itself. After twisting until it is tight, take off the drill and run your cording through your hands while it "untwists" straightening it by gently letting it run through your hands.





Step Eight:
Slip your cording off the stationary hook, clip the dangly end off (right at your knotted end) and admire your handmade cording that perfectly compliments your stitched piece!


Use my tutorials, copy my ideas, use my techniques, hints or tips? Please remember to give credit to my name: Vonna, The Twisted Stitcher ~ Thank you.